ekadek is actually saving the planet

my want and need for a few days last week was to dissembowel an AUDIMAX  4440A.  ive appreciated  the quality of the line sound sound of these . they are all transistor. no chips. made well. fat sounding. hi class parts.  made expensive for 1980s FM RADIO broadcast mixer insert and transmitter output stages.  but…

teneightor-nator stereo luxury models

the build is going well.  i got a meal of metalwork till im stuffed full of metalwork to eat until all the metal cabinets/panel fully worked and finished. and then we quickly place the boards and the controls. wire the wires and hey. fat eqs. stereo ready to wear .

revox heaven for swiss dairy cows

i been working on a flood of repairs for the past month plus.  all of a sudden. five revoxes. from three clients. one is a really cool dairy farmer who runs 1/4 inch tapes thru a quad 303 sound system system .. to his cows!  now ive heard everything. maybe it makes the milk better.. …